PhD scholarship at Institute of Architecture and Technology - FAOD


PhD scholarship at Institute of Architecture and Technology

This is a call for 3-year fully funded PhD Scholarship at the Institute of Architecture and Technology.

Ansøgningsfrist 2. marts 2025

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A PhD scholarship is offered at ‘The Royal Danish Academy – Architecture, Design and Conservation’ in the following topic: ‘Development of Geometrically Enhanced Low-quality Timber Shell Structures and their Construction Methodology’.


This is a call for 3-year fully funded PhD Scholarship at the Institute of Architecture and Technology, to support the on-going research in the field of advanced materials and structural systems. The topic is design and construction methods for advanced light-weight timber shell structure. At core, the research is to explore the use of low strength timber in Scandinavia for advanced light-weight structures with enhanced material utilisation. Therefore, the research will investigate the impacts of 1) both sectional and global geometry, 2) material characteristics of wood, 3) construction methods on design performance.  The current research must adopt iterative design method, which involve theoretical, computational and empirical investigations.

The research also comes with opportunities to collaborate with existing international partners in Europe and East Asia (South Korea, China and Japan), with strong track records of advanced timber and spatial structure research.

The PhD will start on September 1st, 2025, and the application deadline is Sunday the 2nd of March 2025.


General Project Summary

The countries with major economic powers continue to recognise both environmental and economic significance of timber as the building material. For timber to compete against other common materials such as steel and reinforced concrete, increased number of design and engineering research have been funded and developed in the recent decades. Among others, global researchers have placed concentrated efforts to increase the low strength of timber through advanced manufacturing of glue-laminated and/or cross-laminated timber (CLT), for example.

However, the R&Ds in advancing only the material strength have its limit on promoting the effective use of timber in greater scales. Therefore, further research is required in combination of advanced geometrical studies, in which the possible applications of engineered timbers are tested for larger scale advanced structures.

Light-weight spatial structures require careful balance of material strength, geometry, and economy.  The success and failure of spatial structures in the past have been closely governed by the designed geometry, and the role of geometry couldn’t be replaced by the greater material strength. The gaussian vault of Eladio Dieste as an example has the unique geometry to overcome excessive deflections and possible collapse due to buckling. The structure spanning 45m with only 130mm thick single layer brick could resist the applied loads due to the geometrically introduced stiffness.

The current research is proposing to develop design and construction of geometrical strengthened timber structures. The research involves computer analysis based geometrical studies, followed by the exploration of advanced moulding and densification methods for timber to adopt complex geometries with increased strength and stiffness.


PhD Focus

The current research has the following clear focus area:

  • Investigation into required advanced geometries with enhanced stiffness of low strength timber for light-weight spatial structures.
  • Moulding and construction methods for such advanced geometries in timber.  This includes satisfying construction/production repeatability criteria within allowable precision.
  • Applicability of local densification of low-strength wood for improved connection joints.
  • Scalability of the design and construction methods.


Applicant’s Eligibility

The candidate must hold an educational degree equivalent to a Danish master’s desgree (180 ECTS/3 FTE BSc + 120 ECTS/2 FTE Msc) in fone of the fields below:

  • Architectural Technology
  • Architectural Engineering
  • Structural Engineering
  • Architectural Design with focus on either timber or structural geometry

The candidate will investigate into geometrical analysis of timber spatial structures. Therefore, the candidate is expected to expand and develop knowledge in the following areas. If you already have previous knowledge and experience, your application will be prioritised.

  • Parametric Design and Structural Analysis using, e.g. Rhino/Grasshopper- Karamba
  • Coding in Python.
  • Excel

Previous experience in the following topics is advantageous, but not required:

  • Abaqus
  • Timber Material and structure testing

If you have completed an educational degree abroad, it will be assessed by the Danish Agency for International Education before enrolment and employment can take place. The Royal Danish Academy will assist with the assessment process if you are selected for the scholarship. Practical information can be found at


Terms of employment

Enrolment takes place with a view to obtaining a PhD degree and leads to salaried fulltime employment for a period of three years in accordance with the agreement between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations, AC, protocol on graduate fellowships (annex 5). The salary consists of a seniority-based base salary and a non-pensionable allowance.

The PhD program is structured under the provisions of Ministerial Order on the PhD Program at the Universities and Certain Higher Artistic Educational Institutions (PhD Order) no. 1039 of 27 August 2013 issued by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education regarding PhD programs and PhD degrees. This executive order is found at


Application requirements

There are no application forms. Applications must be written inEnglish. Applications are submitted electronically and must include:

  • A reflection on the stated aims of the project in the form of proposed theoretical orientations, comparison to existing research, preliminary syllabus and a proposal of the principal methods to be employed in project development (max. 5 regular standard pages).
  • CV.
  • Documentation of educational merits, other qualifications, and previous activities.
  • A list of published papers/publications (if applicable).
  • A list of anticipated publications and dissemination venues for the project.
  • A portfolio of previous works and studies completed.

Please submit application online via the “Apply for position” button no later than 2 March 2025. For further information about the application requirements, please contact HR Employee Sine Kildevang Madsen by e-mail at

Application material received after the deadline will not be taken into consideration.

Anyone who meets the requirement of an academic degree at a graduate level is encouraged to apply for the scholarship regardless of age, gender, race, religion, or ethnicity.

Assessment procedure

The scholarship is advertised in accordance with the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science’s “Executive Order of 12 April 2019 on the employment of artistic and scientific staff at the higher artistic educational institutions within the remit of the Ministry of Higher Education and Science”.

After the application deadline, in consultation with the appointment committee, the head of the institute will select a number of applicants for academic assessment by an unbiased expert committee. Applicants are selected on the basis of which applicants are found by the appointment committee to best meet the overall criteria set out in this call.

All applicants will be informed as to whether or not their application will proceed to the next stage of the selection procedure, and those selected will be informed of the composition of the expert committee.  The expert committee will the assess the selected applicants for the scholarship with focus on the abovementioned research area, techniques, skills and requirements. The committee will conclude whether each applicant is qualified. The assessed applicants will get opportunity to comment on their assessment.

After the assessment process the appointment committee will decide amongst the qualified applicants to whom the scholarship should be offered. The appointment committee can choose to interview one or more of the qualified applicants.


Further information

General information about PhD study is available at the PhD School’s website:


About the Royal Danish Academy

The Royal Danish Academy – Architecture, Design and Conservation is an internationally recognised academy that educates professionally creative graduates to the highest level and develops new knowledge that creates value for society and the labour market. The Royal Danish Academy is a public institution under the Ministry of Higher Education and Science and has approximately 1,700 students and 350 full-time staff equivalents. Read more about the Royal Danish Academy on our website