Unsolicited application - FAOD


Unsolicited application

Do you find it challenging to call around to companies looking for a job? Do you  need a road map for applying unsolicited? Then this is the workshop for you.

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More than half of all positions are not advertised. In the architecture and design industry, the figure is even higher. So how do you find unadvertised positions?

We will look at

  • Your network: Who is part of your network? Who is close to you, and who is more distant? How can you expand it? How can you use it professionally?
  • LinkedIn: How can this professional network be used in this context? (It’s advantageous if you have a profile on LinkedIn in advance).
  • How do I contact a company unsolicited?
  • Process eventually resistance to calling around and “selling yourself”.
  • How to make an impression: There are many names for the sales speech – the elevator speech – the pitch. We will look at how you briefly and precisely can communicate your profile powerfully and attractively.
  • Your roadmap: We will plan how to get started and look at what ensure that you end up with positive results from your outreach.

Who is running the workshop?

Johanne Louise Rosenquist has her own coaching company, “Rosenquist coaching”. She is a trained architect and has worked as an architect and project manager in architecture and design studios for a number of years.
Johanne is a trained life- and business coach and holds a master as a stress coach.
Johanne will share her many years of experience and successful methods of helping people to find a job, whether it is the first job after graduation or the next career move.

She will use her network of design and architecture companies and share what employers are looking for.




Members of FAOD: 50 kr.

Student members/unemployed members: Free

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